Our understanding of what qualifies as “wheelchair accessible” isn’t always shared by the able-bodied. Many hotel reservations staff do not understand that a roll-in shower is not the same as a walk-in shower! Jeri Murphy of the Anything Is Possible Travel blog knows this all too well, and shares the following:

If you want to know the specifics about the accessibility of a shower (i.e., is there a lip on the floor of the shower; can the shower controls be reached while sitting on the shower bench, etc.) ask housekeeping. Since they clean the room, they will likely be more familiar with the accessibility.
Also know the width of your wheelchair – from wheel to wheel – and make sure the bathroom entrance is wide enough for the chair to get through. Sometimes the door needs to be removed (by maintenance) in order for the chair to fit into the bathroom.

Be sure to ask if a shower chair is available! Many hotels do not provide shower chairs, and figuring out how to find one once you arrive is a headache you won’t want to deal with.